Most Enjoyable Board for Indonesia?!

The G Skate Demo Tapes' Indonesia edition follows our CI Team for a week around Bali. Surfers include: Parker Coffin, Cam Richards, Tai Buddha, Charly Quivront, Miguel Tudela, Kian Martin, Ryuki Waida and Ketut Agus. They lucked into week of cooking surf while all riding the G Skate that the Gudauskas brothers had worked closely with Britt Merrick.
For all these boys it was their first time riding this new design, and as you'll see, this skatey style of board allowed them to draw some very creative lines at high speeds. This edit captures the radical surfing that went down during those sessions.
The goal of the G Skate project between the G Bros and Britt was to create something fresh feeling that turned well in good surf but skated with ease through the not-so-good stuff. There was one major stipulation during its development: the G Skate had to still perform at the highest levels possible. They achieved this by shortening their typical shortboard rail line by 5” and adding curves and contours in key places that would keep them on top of the water and not hinder their turns in any way. Adding a 2 + 1 (twin plus trailer) fin set-up tied the whole concept together.
Visit your local Onboard Store, or give us a call on 02 9997 8266 to learn more, or check the G Skate out here.
For stock dimensions, what the surfers were riding, and who the filmers are please see the credits in the film or click link above to see on board description page.
If you are in Bali, be sure to stop at one of our 4 Onboard Store / Channel Islands Surfboards stores, and be sure to order your quiver of boards before you arrive so you don't need to haul a big board bag over there. Contact for more info about how to order your boards, or simply to learn where the stores are located on Bali.